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Effort that goes beyond - "Smiling Bhaarat"
Corporate Social Responsibility gives chance to all the employees of an organization to contribute towards the society, environment, and country and so on. We all live for ourselves but living for others and doing something for them is a different feeling altogether.
Bringing a smile to people's life just because your organization has pledged to educate the poor children of a particular village not only gives a sense of inner satisfaction but also pride and contentment. One should never forget the importance of society and environment in our lives.
It is indeed high time when we should start thinking about people around us who are less privileged and fortunate than us . Through "Smiling Bhaarat" Moneyplant works towards the betterment of the society and make it a better place to live.
- Donating Rs 1 of Every Online Transaction for child education.
- Planting of Trees which Can remind people of MONEYPLANT too.
- Educating Slum background children.
- Sponsorship of Education of Orphanage.
- Donating certain amount to patients surviving serious illness/Diseases.
- Visiting NGOs or Orphanage on timely basis to donate clothes, toys or foods.
- Respect for human RIGHTS.
- Fair business activities and customer awareness.
- To make drinking water points on streets.
- Avoid using plastic bags.