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Index Options
Index Options designed and destined to deliver returns that you deserve. It offers you nearly 20-22 intraday recommendations during a month with high level of accuracy and excellent profitability. The recommendations are given in Nifty and Bank nifty. Our timely generated technical recommendations provide adequate time to enter in trades. Our recommendations are supreme blend of Technical and fundamental research.
Service Risk Catgory:
High - Risk
Slient Features :
Sample recommendation :
Recommendation: Buy NIFTY 17800 4th Nov. call options (5 Lots) above 216 followed by Target of 236 & Stop loss of 194.
Follow Ups :
Update: - Our NIFTY 17800 call options buy recommendation achieved the suggested target of 236.Hope you have booked the
Note :
Security Market Investment is subjected to market risk and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.